My Balayage Hair Story

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My Hair Color Story

Believe it or not, I’m a hair-color newbie.  I’ve only really been treating my hair and playing around with color for about a year and half. As a brunette, I never really felt the need to color my hair, as it seemed that only my blonde friends did that. And plus, I liked my dark hair!

The idea of coloring my hair never even crossed my mind until I started braiding my hair more often. With all the same color hair (dark-ish brown), you couldn’t really see the details of my braid because it sort of all blended together or looked flat (for lack of a better term).

I was telling my sister about my hair-braiding struggles and she literally rocked my (hair) world and told me about balayage. I’d never heard of it but after little research, I decided it was well worth a shot!

Wait, What’s Balayage?

Basically, balayage is a less intense technique for highlighting your hair. Unlike traditional highlighting (where hair colorists use foil), balayage tends to look a little more subtle and natural where your hair looks more sun-kissed than streaky. I think traditional highlighting looks great on blondes, but it’s a little tricker for brunettes and I LOVE how natural this looks.

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Where I Go in Dallas

Meet my hair-color BFF, Leighanne! She’s the only one that has EVER touched my hair color and I plan on keeping it that was since she does such a FABULOUS job! I truly believe she’s the BEST in Dallas, but then again I may be biased?

I got it done for the first time about a year and a half ago. And as I’m sure you might have noticed, now I’m hooked! I’m not sure if I’ll ever go back 🙂 I love having the diversity of color in my hair and it makes playing with different hair styles SO much more fun. I especially love how my hair looks when I curl it because there’s more depth and the curls look more defined – if that makes sense?

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How Often Do You Go?

I see Leighanne about every 6 months but it’s really just personal preference. I typically wait in between visits because I personally prefer the grown-out look as I think it looks natural and sun-kissed. But I know some people who go every 3 or 4 months. Regardless, it’s much better than having to go get traditional highlights every 6 weeks – who has time for that? Not to mention how expensive that must be?!

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Okay now let’s chat about this outfit! I’ve been wearing these cutsie little chambray shirts on repeat – have you noticed? And SHOOT y’all, I just checked and they’re SOLD OUT so I’m going to scour the internet and find some similar options. Grrr I hate when this happpens!

Outfit Details: SHORTS: Lush (40% OFF) // TOP: BP Stripred Tank // SHOES: Splendid (wearing size 7) // BAG: Prada // WATCH: Michael Kors

Since mine are sold out, I found a  bunch of similar options for you all! Shop them below:

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And how cute is this little bow? I love the fact that these shorts are high-waisted and the bow accentuates the waist even more, making for the perfect little day short.

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Side note regarding the photography going on with this outfit.

I’m going to need you to bare with me as I try and figure out this whole taking-my-own photos thing. Lisel (my assistant slash full time little helper) and I have been experimenting and trying to figure it all out but there’s quite the steep learning curve.

In addition to figuring out the ins and outs of how to use a camera, I’m trying to also figure out a cohesive color scheme for BTD. I spent some time looking at my past posts and realized that every post sort of looks different. And I’m fine with that – diversity is good – but I would like to have somewhat of a cohesive look among my blog post photos so that they’re different but similar at the same time? It might take me a minute to figure out what works best, but please let me know all your thoughts and feel free to give me all the feedback along the way.

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