If you had asked me a year ago how motherhood would change me, I’d honestly have no idea. To be honest, I knew there’d be some changes in my life once I became a mom, but I could never imagine I’d have the shift I’ve experienced the past year.
I was newly married when I got pregnant with Four, and I really thought my life would stay mostly the same — just with a baby in the mix! It’s honestly incredible how being a parent changes your perspective on so many things.
I’ve really wanted to share more about my experience being a parent, especially because it changes almost daily, so I thought it might be nice to share my thoughts on how motherhood has changed me. Definitely know that I’m still learning and trying to figure this out every single day. I am by NO means an expert. But I truly enjoy reading about others’ experiences with parenting so hopefully, this is helpful to some of you going through the same phase of life.
Motherhood has…
Made me more appreciative of time.
If there’s one thing I want more of with Four it’s time. I love my job and I wouldn’t give it up for anything, but I do sometimes wish I had more time to spend with him. I am so appreciative of the time we do get together and make sure that I make every moment count.
Reminded me I can do hard things.
One word. Childbirth. But also, for me and a lot of you, pregnancy was harder than labor. It’s so beautiful how God sustains us physically and mentally for the nine (almost 10) months of pregnancy — and then the sleepless newborn phase that follows.
Helped me prioritize what’s important.
Because I love what I do for work so much, I tend to prioritize it over other things in my life. Once Four was born, it made me realize what’s really important in life (spoiler: that email can wait) and reminded me that he’s only this age once.
Revealed the importance of routines.
Becoming a mom showed me why a routine is critical, not only for a baby but also for our family. I’ve learned what I need to do to set our family up for success each week because I can’t really fly by the seat of my pants anymore now that we’ve got another human in the mix.
Taught me the importance of managing my time/calendar.
In the past, I could keep working after 5 but now I want to spend that time with Four so it’s important for me to get everything I need to done during the workday. Thankfully, I found an incredible time management coach who’s helped me with this a ton.
Showed me that perfectionism and parenting don’t co-exist.
Bless it! Being a parent has been the biggest eye-opener for me when it comes to my perfectionist tendencies. I love having everything in my home organized and put in its place — and that’s just not possible when a toddler.
Given me the grace to ask for help when I need it.
There is nothing more humbling than those newborn days or even a rough parenting day as they get older. I used to think I could do it all on my own, but having a little one has taught me that it’s okay to ask for help… whether that be from a friend or even a total stranger. Motherhood has also helped me realize my limits and dependence on the Lord, which has allowed me to really lean on my relationship with him.
No matter what phase of life or parenting you’re in, I think there are so many valuable lessons to learn. I’m still in awe that God gives us exactly what we need to survive the hard times. When Four was first born, I didn’t know how we’d make it through the first few weeks (the ice storm didn’t help!), but we not only made it through, we became so much stronger and well equipped on the other side.
If you’re a parent, I’d love to know how motherhood or parenting has changed you.