I actually filmed this video three weeks ago (wow – I really need to get on my game!), but I haven’t posted it because I needed to edit and trim the ‘fat’ (and I HATE editing videos slash I have no idea what I’m doing – probably the reason why it takes me so long…)
So if it’s a little choppy – this is why. Just bare with me here, y’all.
The last video I did was more or less an announcement, and this one is more of an introduction so to say of my intentions and explaining where I’m coming from. The more I think about this new adventure (the whole posting videos about Jesus thing), the more I kind of freak out a little bit. But not necessarily because I’m ashamed of my faith. I’m not. But it’s more so because I’m talking about something that is pretty controversial and ‘heavy’ if you will. Fashion is pretty light. I can say pretty much whatever I want and I won’t stir the pot much. But with religion, it’s a whole different ball game.
It’s very likely that I might say something wrong (poorly) or in a way that could be misinterpreted (due to my diction or heck, maybe I just flat out misunderstood what I thought I knew). So it’s kind of (or can be) dangerous territory. And what if I lead someone to believe something that’s not true? (either because I misunderstood it myself or because I didn’t word it properly or get my point across well). Yikes.
I don’t have all the answers and maybe even the answers that I think I do have…are actually wrong? This is very possible. But hopefully you all will hold me accountable to truth and take the things I say with grace (giving me the benefit of the doubt if I said something poorly or that could be easily taken out of context).
General Outline of what’s going on in this video:
Content: I haven’t figured out what I’m talking about or what this ‘video series’ will be. So yeah, that’s still up in the air. I don’t have a plan. awesome, right?
Audience: I’m assuming most of you have already ‘come to Christ’ and have been saved (so to say).
Disclaimer: I’m not a minister/ordained and did not go to seminary. I’m not qualified and don’t claim to be.
Setting: I want this to be as if you’re having coffee with a friend.
(Technical question to any of you who may be video people: should I be filming this more than once instead of doing it once and then editing after? Seriously, someone fill me in here. I just filmed it one time and let it flow…and then edited it. But it turned out super choppy. Any insight or suggestions would be awesome!)