You will never have to force anything that’s truly meant to be

“You will never have to force anything that’s truly meant to be.”

“You will never have to force anything that’s truly meant to be.”

This is one of those things my mom always says to me…And yet, I continue to challenge her – as if I’ve got some magical justification to rationalize why it’s OKAY that [enter scenario] is complicated and different…and that my unsettling feeling is totally normal. Right? You know that craziness I’m talking about! Those games our minds play with us – the endless analyzing and rationalizing to (essentially) create a “whole” out of random parts – which is usually just a desperate attempt to make sense of the world as we want to see it.

But you know what? Although I don’t have much experience with this whole things-feel-right-and-meant-to-be “feeling”…I’ve got (emphasis added) to believe it actually exists. Because I don’t know if it’s just me, but I can barely pick out what to order at the taco stand without second guessing myself. I’m like the queen of doubt and what-if-ing/well-maybe-if-ing myself into oblivion – blame it on my twenties (ha!). I’m hoping these things come with age!

But really though, I think that when it’s right…it’s right…and you just know. (or so they say…)

 I can hear my mom telling me right now….Brighton, it’s just really NOT that complicated. Period the end.

What about you? Any great cliches (if you can’t tell, I’m a sucker for great saying/expressions!)  from your parents/mentors/whatever that you’d be willing to share?