Vanity Styling: Glamorous Fragrances

This weekend, I came back to Baton Rouge to pack up the last bit of my things. I was packing up my little collection of perfumes that I’ve collected over the years and couldn’t help but notice how pretty and unique the packaging and bottling of each scent.  In particular, I love the shape of Creed‘s and Stella McCarney‘s bottles…and the glamorous little daisies that ornament Daisy by Marc Jacobs. I love all these little displays and can’t wait to “style” my own once I get my vanity area in my room all set up (which could be a while…). Also, I’m thinking that once I get settled in, I’d love to add to my little collection. Maybe for Christmas? It’s been years since I invested in a new scent!

What are your favorite perfumes? I’d love to hear!

Images via: Cherry Blossom Girl // Rue Magazine via High Street Market // Monika Hibbs via Glitter Guide // Virginia McDonald via Arianna Belle //