Summer Water Toys for Kids

Summer Water Toys

During the summer, my kids and I basically live in our backyard. But if you’re from Texas (or have even visited during the summer months), you know it gets hot. Like… triple digit temperatures hot. So, it’s basically a non-negotiable that I have plenty of summer water toys for the kids to play with.

Last summer, Blake was so young that she didn’t really enjoy many of the toys we bought for the backyard. But this year, it’s been super sweet seeing her and Four play together. Since we don’t have a neighborhood pool or a pool of our own, this is really the best way to help them stay cool during the heat of summer — other than parking them in front of the tv.

The best addition this summer is hands down the inflatable water slide I snagged through Target. I think we’ve used it almost every day since we got it. It’s the perfect size for both kids (Blake is 1 and Four is 3 years old)… although Blake tends to hang in the small pool area mostly.

This isn’t a water toy per se, but I can’t recommend this waterproof speaker enough. We listen to worship music or kids songs while we’re playing on the water slide, and I don’t have to worry about ruining the speaker at all.

This little water play table has been a HUGE hit at our house. Four still loves it, and Blake has started playing with it too. It definitely took some effort to put together, but that’s probably because I tried to do it myself!

I highly recommend this splash pad too. It’s just the right size for Blake at one year old (plus a few months).

I’ve collected a few other water toys that would be great for young kids. I’ll also totally admit that I’ve use the water slide to cool off myself on the really hot days. 😉

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