How to Dress Spring-y When it’s Still Cold

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pink jeans and white denim jacket spring outfit 44

pink jeans and white denim jacket spring outfi

pink jeans and white denim jacket spring outfit 46

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I love all the spring vibes happening and fun pieces to shop, but let’s be real, it’s still pretty freaking cold out. At least in Dallas! It actually rained for a week straight recently, which isn’t the best weather for a spring floral dress ya know what I’m sayin? It’s a ‘transition month’ as I like to call them, and while we all want to be wearing all the spring things, we obviously gotta stay warm still.

During these types of months, I like to style transitional outfits that feel like the upcoming season but are actually wearable for the current temps. And since the pastel trend is one that has got me FIRED UP, I thought I’d play around with it for this type of look. Pastels are gonna be big y’all, like bigger than most springs, so if you’re not on board, get on board.

The key to pulling off a spring look when it’s cold is wearing items that’ll keep you cozy-ish, but in a spring vibe, and layering. I’m kinda obsessed with these blush jeans by J Brand and I don’t think I could have hit ‘add to cart’ fast enough when I saw them on Bloomingdales. I’ve actually been shopping hardcore for upcoming spring denim on Bloomy’s, as they just have SUCH great inventory. Kinda my go-to place for denim at the moment.

OK but back to the outfit. Can we talk about this white denim jacket too?! I actually don’t know how I’ve gone the past couple years without one! This is J Brand too (as is my cami), and I’m equally obsessed. I always kinda thought about J Brand as jeans only, but turns out I love A LOT of their inventory. Am I late to the game here or news to you as well? Their stuff is an investment for sure, but I love the way it fits and the quality is top notch.

By taking pastel denim, I’m still wearing something appropriate for a rainy or cold day, but obvi I’m feeling spring-ish in blush! And since a denim jacket screams spring/summer, it’s a good option for months like March. This would have been cute with a traditional denim jacket, but I kinda love the white as a way to freshen things up. I went with wedges with this look because the sun was actually shining, but this would be cute with little white sneakers if it was colder.

OK, just wanted to quickly pop in and talk about how to dress for these weird months. The ones where you’re really excited about a season but it’s just not quiiiiite here yet. Here’s to hoping warm days are on the way though! I’m ready – are y’all??

What other types of outfits do y’all wear during months like March?

Outfit Details: J. Brand Jeans // J. Brand Jacket // J. Brand Tank // See by Chloe Wedges // Chloe Crossbody

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Thanks so much to Bloomingdales for sponsoring this post, as always all opinions are my own.