How God Wants Me To Prioritize My Time

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While I was praying this morning, I spent some time giving some really hard, intense thought about how I’m spending my time. What IS the most important thing I can be doing? How DO I need to be prioritizing my life? The reason why I get so serious about this stuff is because I seriously want to be living in a way that glorifies God.

After a while, I arrived to a realization that I’m making this equation a lot harder than is has it be. It’s actually really simple. So simple that I think maybe that’s why I might miss it sometimes.

Glorifying God in my day to day life really should just look like me imitating Jesus. There’s no code to crack—it just means putting others before myself.

So, here’s what I think it might look like for me: I’m going to help my neighbor. I’m going to chat with the work guy at my house. I’m going to put you, my reader, before myself. I’m going to do my best to create content that is uplifting, empowering, and full of truth—and I’m going to do it all with YOUR benefit in mind.

And yeah, a lot of times I have this little voice in the back of my mind that makes me nervous that putting others before myself might mean that I’m not going to achieve my goals and objectives. I sometimes believe the lie that by choosing others, I abandon my own goals and needs. But it’s not true.

In all honesty, I KNOW that if I consistently serve others before I think about my own needs, the goodness is going to come back around. How am I so confident about this? Because JESUS lived a life marked by elevating others and tending to their needs. If it’s good enough for Him, I know it’ll be the best thing for me too.