I’ve documented my struggles with staying active here on BTD but I’ve gotta say, for the last 3 months or so, I feel pretty dang good about where I’m at! For me, giving up the idea that working out had to be a certain intensity level or even type or exercise really opened things up.
Some days I just do NOT feel like going to the gym or to a class – but a walk pretty much always sounds good. And I’ve learned that that’s OK! That release of pressure I put on myself to be some crazy gym person has made me much happier, and funny enough, my workout routine has grown more consistent from it.
To be honest, I even hate admitting this because I so badly wish I was one of those people who was born with an innate desire to be active and workout and all that jazz. But the truth is, I’M NOT. And when I look at my Mom and see her “relationship” with working out, I can see where I get it from! She simply does NOT work out….but does run a lot of errands and somehow manages to look and feel just fine. I have a feeling this is a battle I’ not going to win no matter how much I fight! So I’ve just accepted it – I’m not a crazy active person. and that’s OKAY!
If you feel the same way, I thought it’d be fun to document a few ways I’ve been staying active (even though I’m not the most active person by nature). Hope it inspires you somehow!
Walking in nature
Now that we’re getting close to spring, it’s my favorite time of year to talk everywhere. Honestly, summer in Dallas makes it unbearable at times to be outside, and there is something SO refreshing about walking in spring (OK, fall is a close tie!). Seeing early blooms, feeling crisp air but with sunshine, seeing the birds go wild – all cliche stuff that feels freaking happy! In fact, going on a walk somewhere pretty (or even in my neighborhood when I’m short on time) is a happy place of mine. It’s where I go if I don’t feel like something intense but want to move, when I’m upset or overwhelmed and need to clear my head, or when I’m in a funk. I won’t even bring music or a podcast some days – on days when I REALLY need to just think – but either way, I never regret the walk.
Since it’s not exactly warm out yet but it’s also not freezing, the key to enjoying being outside for a walk is the right transitional clothing. If I’m too cold or hot, I notice that I’ll quit my walk before I’m ready out of sheer discomfort – which is frustrating!
Lately, I’ve been obsessed with this lightweight jacket from Backcountry. I fell in love with the color – to be honest! I got a white Patagonia similar to it (except little heavier) back in the Fall and I wore it so frequently, I wanted something a little lighter to carry me from winter into spring. I actually have been really into Backcountry (I stumbled upon it while searching for clothes for my trip to Highland, NC last Fall) because they have EVERYTHING you’d ever need when it comes to activewear and enjoying time outside while still looking cute. I actually got a few items for my time in the mountains (and our trip to Aspen too!) with my fam earlier this year and just wow, I love their merchandise, brands they sell, and customer service. Plus, it’s cool how much they support the environment! You can actually donate to the Nature Conservancy while checking out at Backcountry which I thought was cool and such an easy way to support a cause.
Active weekend getaways
The boy has been motivating me in this department and it’s something my family really likes doing, too. Of course, there are vacations where you want to do nothing but lay on the beach and eat all the things (which is FINE), but I also like the idea of active weekend getaways. Like when we went to Austin last summer and instead of just eating my way around town as I’d normally do, we walked EVERYWHERE, went paddleboarding, went for a run to get coffee, etc. Just taking advantage of the extra time of the weekend and thinking of ways to be active instead of sitting inside was fun and refreshing. I felt so good coming back home, too! I have a couple more weekends like this planned for the season so I’ll be sure to share with y’all.
Acting like a kid (slash dancing)
I have some friends who are SO good at this, and I’m not – but working on it. Whether joining a sports league of a sport you played growing up, organizing a flag football game for friends at church, or even jumping on a trampoline, there are SO many ways to be active when you think about what we did as kids.
When you’re a kid, you’re literally running around being active every day, but why does that stop when we get older? Well probably because of responsibilities and all that, but do y’all feel me here? I love that thinking of what kids do brings out more fun and lightness, but it also gets you to be active in new ways. Really excited about this one!
It’s not quite “acting like a kid” but it does sort of put me outside my comfort zone, I’ve been dancing a lot more recently. Since I got my Apple Watch, I’ve found myself getting more creative with how I get my body moving. And a few weeks ago I did a Youtube DANCE video and YOU GUYS! It was SO MUCH FUN! I’ve actually done like 3 of them since and now it’s one of my favorite ways to get in a quit cardio workout without dreading it! I’m in love!
K y’all hope you liked these ideas – I’m actually really excited about the whole ‘active even if you’re not’ idea and want to keep inspiring y’all with ways I’m doing it. Because believe me, it’s been a struggle to make it into a habit but it feels VERY MUCH worth it now.
If you’re a Dallas local, does anyone know of a fun dance class I could try by the way? That’s something I miss SO MUCH and would love to do. I don’t want to do something too intense though because I’m a slow learner. I just want to do something FUN for cardio! Thanks friends!
PS: use code BRIGHTON15 for 15% OFF your backcountry order if you find anything you love on their website!
Outfit Details:

Thanks so much to Backcountry for sponsoring this post. As always, ALL picks and opinions are my own!