image credit: Nicholas Moore
Although I love makeup and beauty products, I’m no expert or product connoisseur. I’ve been wanting to start a new column that provided some insight into the best beauty products relating both to making you look pretty and making your pretty last (whether it be for a long night or a long life), but I knew I would need to recruit someone with REAL insight and knowledge to help out/contribute. Anyway, it seemed like the perfect metting-of-the-minds when Mandy, a professional in the beauty industry, offered to be a part of BTD as a column contributor. Mandy has LOTS of experience in the beauty business and will hopefully prove to be super helpful and informative for all you BTD readers. I haven’t decided on the post frequency of this column yet, but I’m thinking we’ll do once a month! So, my friends, I present to you Mandy’s list of 12 must have’s when it comes to everyday basics and every night creams/solutions. See the round up after the jump!
Click on image to purchase or view product.
What do you think? Do you like the idea of a beauty basics column?! And do you have any comments/insight on these products above? Please do share!
all content written and chosen by Mandy Adkins || design and graphics by brightontheday