Sometime over the last five years or so I learned the importance of switching up your beauty routine based on the season. Now, I definitely do not consider myself a skincare/makeup/hair expert, but I try a lot of products for my job and also I just really love playing around with my beauty stuff in general. So expert or not, I have picked up a thing or two over the years and seasonal beauty routines are one of them!
I wrote this post all about how to take your beauty from summer to winter, so as we get further into spring and warmer weather, I thought one for transitioning to this time of year would also be helpful! From makeup to skincare to hair, I tried to touch on all the areas of my personal beauty routine, but if you have anything else to add, please share in the comments so everyone can benefit! I think making these changes can have such a positive effect, so let’s get into it!
Once spring temperatures hit, I like to lighten my makeup routine up quite a bit. When I say this, I mean color-wise and the amount of makeup I wear in general. Obviously I’m sweating more in the spring/summer than I would in the fall/winter and wearing different colors, etc., so here are the simple changes I like to make:
Tinted moisturizer
I’m not one to shy away from a full coverage foundation, but once spring hits I like to either go bare-faced or use a tinted moisturizer. Lately, I’ve been switching between two that come to mind. One of them, you’ve probably heard me talk about if you’ve been following along – the Charlotte Tilbury Healthy Glow. I love it for when I don’t really want to wear a lot of makeup but want to look put together.

And then another one that I use isn’t “technically” a tined moisturizer, but it’s the Tula Face Filter Primer. It’s a little more subtle than the Charlotte Tilburry, but I love wearing it when I just need a little bit of pigment to blend my skin tone together.

But I also wear my regular moisturizer too. I’ve been using this miracle cream lately and I love it! I just got a new bottle and I forgot how much glow it gives me!

Brighter lip colors
Y’all know I appreciate a good gloss and I have just as much fun playing around with spring/summer colors as I do moodier/darker colors. Currently loving this rosy color from Charlotte Tilbury – such a fun shade for spring and summer! I shared the new Jill Stuart Beauty lip colors on stories last week; I’ve really been enjoying their new liquid lipstick, especially in color Glorious Jasper!

Charlotte Tilburry
Collagen Lip Bath Gloss
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Adding a Deeper Blush
During the winter, I usually wear a lot more self-tanner and end up not even wearing blush because I like to actually use bronzer to create damson. But as Spring comes around, I like to add a little bit of rouge to my cheeks. I recently picked up this Charlotte Tilburry Pillow Talk Cheek to Chic Blush and have been loving the color! It’s not too peachy or pink – it’s more of a deeper rouge, closer to like a Burgundy bronzer look if that makes sense? Anyway, I love the color and shine it gives my cheeks!

My skincare is probably the area I try to pay the most attention to when it comes to making seasonal swaps. I feel like my skin gets pretty high maintenance in the winter because it gets extremely dry, so I try to really lighten things up come springtime.
Gel cleanser
In the winter your skin might need a heavier cream or oil-based cleanser, but I like to switch to a foaming or gel formula for the warmer months. My skin isn’t as dry and I’m wearing less makeup so I’ve found using a lighter cleanser this time of the year feels really good on my skin. Absolutely love Tula’s purifying cleanser for this!

Vitamin C serum
As I’ve gotten older I’ve gotten better about using a vitamin C serum year-round, but I think it’s especially important to be sure you’re using one during the spring and summer when your skin is more exposed to the sun. Vitamin C helps with hyperpigmentation (aka sun spots), so using a serum will help your skin tone look more even.

Face masks
I obviously use face masks year-round but I do like to mix up the kind I’m using based on the season. Hydration options are my go-to all winter long, but I’ve recently been using this resurfacing one because I read that chemical exfoliation is super important to give your skin that glow we all want this time of year.

30-year-old Brighton has no time for messing around with the sun, so you’ll find me using foundations or moisturizers with SPF built-in or I make sure I apply one separately. I’m SO excited Tula finally launched their sunscreen, which I think is amazing so far! Just be sure you’re using something with at least 30 SPF and if you’re out in the sun for more than a few hours that you reapply. You can use code BRIGHTON For 15% off!

Switching up your hair game might seem a bit over the top, but think about how much more sunshine and water touch your hair during the warmer months – it’s quite a difference! Here are some swaps to think about:
Moisturizing shampoo and conditioner
Spring and summer are basically designed to dry out your hair between the sunshine, ocean/pool water and hot tools used to style your hair for all those weddings and events. To add some hydration back into it, pick up a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner – they work wonders! To be completely honest though, I switch up my shampoo and conditioners almost daily. I’ve been using a combination of this but also using Living Proof, Aveda, and Prose over the past few months! If you have any suggestions, I’d love to know what you use?
Anti-frizz oil or serum
I don’t have a ton of issues with frizz, but I know a lot of people who heavily rely on a good anti-frizz serum in the spring and summertime. Although I’ve read that keeping your hair hydrated can help with frizz, so maybe after adding in the moisturizing shampoo and conditioner you won’t need it – worth a try! Do you use an anti frizz serum? I’d love to know your suggestions!
Hair masks
Kiehl’s has a really good hair mask if you want to go all-in on making sure you’re taking care of and protecting your hair this time of year. Apply it after you’ve shampooed your hair and let it sit for 5 minutes. It’s an extra step for sure, but you could throw it on at the same time you do a face mask to hit two birds with one stone! Plus you only need to do it once a week, so it doesn’t take up a ton of extra time.

Kind of a lot of information here, but I hope it’s helpful! And don’t forget to share your transitional beauty routine/tips if you have them!