Never Let The Things You Want make you forget the things you have.
After all the pinning and sharing from the last time I posted this quote, I noticed that you all REALLY liked the message behind this one – or you definitely thought it was a noteworthy bookmark or pin! Over the past few months, I’ve come across it time and time again. And each time I would see it, I would get this nasty look on my face and think to myself…geez! if i would have known this would be so popular, I would have made the quote look a little better!!
In THAT post, I was experimenting with my VERY FIRST gif and seeing how I liked it on BTD. Gif’s (images that move or change) are cool and all, but they aren’t really pin-able or save-able, which in my opinion, take out ALL THE FUN. So after seeing it for what must have been the hundreth or so time, I thought to myself, that’s it! I MUST re-create this AWESOME quote! (so that I can feel happy when I see it instead of all…. yuck-I-hate-this-typography-image-why-did-i-post-that!) So that’s the story behind that. Enjoy!