Feel Good Sports Movies We’ve Been Watching

feel good sports movies we've been watching

Duncan and I love a good movie marathon! During the Stay at Home time this past Spring, we watched A LOT of TV shows and got sucked into them. I personally love drama series because I love being on the edge of my seat and getting really sucked in.

But after months of watching intense TV shows, we were ready for a change of pace! So Duncan thought of the idea of going through a bunch of feel good sports movies. We’d both seen many of them before, but it sounded like a fun idea to rewatch a bunch of the classics! Plus, they just make you FEEL GOOD!

I shared our list a few times on Instagram stories, but I wanted to create a more permanent place for them for those of you interested in doing the same! Plus, add any we might have missed in the comments!

Feel Good Sports Movies

These aren’t really in any particular order, I just listed out all the ones we’ve been watching. I’m sure we’ve missed a few though too! We watched all of these on either Amazon prime or Netflix and loved them all!

I was going to star my favorites, but as I went through the list I really enjoyed ALL of them and couldn’t pick! They’re all just SO GOOD!

  • Remember The Titans (football)
  • The Legend of Baggar Vance (golf)
  • Miracle (hockey)
  • Rookie (baseball)
  • Glory Road (Basketball)
  • The Greatest Game Ever Played (Golf)
  • Invincible (football)
  • Secretariat (horse racing)
  • 42 (baseball)
  • The Way Back (basketball)
  • Coach Carter (basketball)
  • Field of Dreams (baseball)
  • McFarland (cross country)
  • Moneyball (baseball)
  • For Love of the Game (baseball)
  • Draft Day (football)
  • Rudy (football)
  • The Blind Side (football)
  • Hoosiers (basketball)
  • Rocky (boxing)
  • Fever Pitch (baseball)
  • Friday Night Lights (football)
  • League of Their Own (softball)
  • Trouble With The Curve (baseball)
  • Tin Cup (golf)
  • Greater (football)
  • Love and basketball (basketball)
  • Field of Dreams (baseball)
  • We are Marshall (football)
  • Bull Durham (baseball)

Now that I’m publishing this, I was wondering if I should organize this list in some sort of order, but I couldn’t come up with how I wanted to sort it. It felt weird to organize by sports because THEN it would be too much of one sport and I wouldn’t recommend watching it by sport type either, right?! Regardless, I hope you find this list helpful if you’re looking for a feel good movie to watch next!

Also, please do share if you’ve got a movie I missed here! We can keep the list going!

Outfit Details:

My sweat suit is really old by Lett Clothing, but I found a few new styles that you might be interested in if you’re looking for something similar! I also snagged these slippers at the NSALE this year and love them!

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