top: Tibi (old – no actually, it’s ancient) – here’s a similar tropical-themed one by Vince Camuto ($69), and another by MOD ($40)// shorts: f21 linen blend sailor shorts // shoes: dee keller the kelly in teal (available at TOOTSIES) // sunglasses: karen walker super duper // bracelets: jcrew, hermes, anthropologie // rings: banana republic, antique // lips: NARS heat wave // Nails: naughty nautical and more the merrier
Y’ALL. Can we talk about how these shorts were (for serious!) $12? Oh how I love forever21 – I always leave feeling satisfied, justified, and “in control” (aka guilt free!). I can’t take full credit for these though because my little sister found them and suggested I try them on…#winner.