The Things We Want

the things we want

Words to live by: Never let the things you want make you forget the things you have. Powerful, right? Sometimes it’s easy to get sucked into the materialistic world that surrounds us, thinking that “more” will make us happier. The truth is that it won’t. And it’s our decision whether or not we want to be enslaved by the things that we want. Choose happiness. Choose gratitude! I know it’s easier said than done though, but just try and remember what’s really important and do your best to focus on those things.

Let’s take a moment and be grateful with where we are in life! Cheesy? Kind of. But hopefully this quote will hit home with some of you! I hope you all have a wonderful Friday! I’ll be customizing and doing nerdy behind-the-scenes things to get ready for the launch on monday!! woohoo!

If time and inspiration permit, I’ll see you this weekend. But if not, I’ll see you Monday! xoxo

PS: See another version of this quote in this post!

See more Typography quotes via BrightonTheDay blog here!