Y’all, I’ve never seen anything like it. I was trying to link up an outfit for instagram earlier this week and literally, the entire internet (!) is completely SOLD OUT of the classic duck boot – BOTH the L.L. Bean version AND the Sperry Top Sider version. And they’ve been sold out for weeks now. Maybe it’s the little economist in me (I majored in Business Honors and Accounting), but this blows my mind! ha! It’s not everyday that I make it to the FOURTH page of google search and still….no cigar (and I spend A LOT of time doing this as a fashion blogger).
hmm seems like a conspiracy or something. Okay no, I’m joking. But still, how is the demand SO much higher than the supply here?!! Or do they like it that way? 😉
I mean, I guess this means they’re cool. Right? 😉
The few pair I was able to find:
and if you’re one of those people looking for a pair, rest assured that I’ll keep you posted on the supply situation going on over at L.L bean. According to a recent article on Boston.com, the company has since invested 1 million buck-a-roos into new equipment and hired new people on board to try and meet the ever-so-quickly-growing demand. But apparently it takes 26 weeks (half a year!) to train new employees to make the hand-made boots.
Am I the only one who finds this fascinating? (probably so, but that’s okay! ha!)
[Note: the ones I’m wearing in the photo above are actually by Sperry Top Sider; the L.L. Bean ones have been sold out the last 4 times I tried to purchase.]
Alternative Brands that make weatherproof boots: Sorel, The North Face, Helly Hensen, Ugg Australia, and Hunter Boots
Other Articles I read:
Yahoo’s Style, “L.L. Bean’s already sold out of Snow Boots”
Bustle.com, “The Waist list for L.L. Bean’s Duck Boots is Insane”
The Guardian, “L.L. Bean Duck Boots: Why is there a 5 Month waiting list to get a pair?”