
We Are What We Repeatedly Do

Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit. love it. Per the norm, Aristotle was one of the first philosophers I studied. Initially I found his work rather dry and his logic relatively straight-forward, and thus, boring. I know now, though, that way off base in this perspective/impression


not enough hours in the day

I keep reading these quotes over an over again….for some reason, they just don’t get old. I can’t say there’s anything in particular that “links” these quotes together, but I like the fact that this collection of quotes sends my thoughts/brain into so many different directions. The first two are rather playful and light, and the last three are a little more serious and thought-provoking. Although I usually tend to…



[Warning: just wanted to give you fashion-lovers a heads up this post isn’t fashion-related at all – whatsoever. It’s just a random rambling of my current thoughts/experience. Post #2 will be up soon and will cater more to your interests! :)] Do you ever have so many things to say that you just don’t even know where to start? Like, your mind is just brimming with thoughts and you’re so…


Opportunity Dances With Those Already on The Dance Floor

This quote reminds me of what I like to call my “creative process”. When I sit down to write a paper or do something creative, I usually deal with a bit of frustration before I have any progress. What I mean is that I must do quite a bit of “aimless wandering” before I can finally put the pencil to the paper or find a direction for whatever project I’m working on.…


Guard Your Heart

  I try to be careful with what I expose myself to and what I “put” into my mind. Kind of like a censoring of sorts…but, self imposed. Why? because I realize and know from experience that I am a product of my environment and am influenced by the things I see/hear/read. And this could mean anything from friends to co-workers to what TV shows I watch and even to…